Attention Students: 2025/2026 Program of Studies is Available!

Click here to access. If you prefer to look at a hard copy, there is one available in Blanchard or Walker House. Talk with your teachers about recommendations for classes or see your school counselor for suggestions.

Class Meeting for Course Registration Information

March 12: Class of 2026

March 13: Class of 2027

March 14: Class of 2028

Meetings will be during advisory in the auditorium. Please check in with your advisory teacher for attendance BEFORE coming down. CRTC juniors will have a brief presentation in the cafeteria before they leave on Wednesday.

April 2: SAT Day for Juniors

Attention Juniors: the SATs will be hosted at PA on Wednesday, April 2nd.

If you are junior in good standing, you are required to take this mandatory test and make every effort to do your best! Stay tuned for more information about testing locations, etc. Questions? See Mrs. French in Blanchard House.

April 5: Destination College

Destination College is a free annual statewide college planning event held each spring for New Hampshire high school juniors and their families. Attendees can participate in a variety of free college planning workshops, learn tips about the college application process from experts in the field, attend a college fair and more! Click here for more information.

Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Location: Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, NH

April 10: PSAT10

Attention Sophomores:

If would like the opportunity to take the optional PSAT10 on April 10th, sign up in Blanchard House by March 21st. There is an $15 fee to take the test, cash or check made out to Pembroke Academy. Please see your school counselor with any questions!

February 21: CRTC Applications are due

See your school counselor with any questions about the application process.

Scholarship Workshop

If you did not attend the Scholarship Workshop on Feb. 12th, click here for access to the presentation/information.

February 18: On the Spot Decision Day with NHTI and SNHU

Where: Blanchard House When: NHTI: 8-10 SNHU 10-12noonThis event will allow interested seniors to apply to one of these two colleges and get an acceptance that day! For seniors who are unsure about their next steps, this is a great opportunity. Sign up in Blanchard House today!  ****

January 31: NH Scholar Applications Due

Attention Seniors: Are you eligible to be a New Hampshire Scholar! Applications are due by January 31st. Meet with your school counselor in Blanchard House for more information about your eligibility and application paperwork.Click here for the NH Scholar website to learn more about the perks of being recognized as a NH Scholar!

Attention Seniors: The Semester Two Senior Flyer is available

Please click here for access the senior flyer that lists many important and second semester events relevant to the Class of 2025!