School EventsJan20No SchoolJan27No SchoolFeb24-28Winter Recess (No School)Mar11No SchoolApr28-2Spring Recess (No School)May26No SchoolJun12Commencement Ceremony - 5:30pmDelta Dental StadiumJun13Commencement Ceremony (rain date) - 5:30pmDelta Dental StadiumJun20Last Day of School - Early Release (tentative)
Alma Start11 days ago Returning Students If your student is already enrolled at PA, you need to update student forms each school year. Incoming Freshman (SAU 53) If your student is coming from Allenstown, Chichester, Deerfield, Epsom, or Pembroke you need to update forms each school year. New Students If your student is entering PA from any school outside SAU 53, you need to create an Alma account and complete the student forms. visit page
InformationSenior Portraits - Class of 2025Everything Yearbook!2023 Indicator 14 Post School Outcomes Survey AdministrationGrant Survey Result OverviewPembroke School District Opening Plan - Fall 2021Order Fall School Pictures & Fall Sports Pictures Here
2023 EDIES AwardThe NH Excellence in Education Awards selected Pembroke Academy as the recipient of the 2023 New Hampshire Secondary School of Excellence.
School Counseling Announcements and EventsJanuary 9: CRTC Roadshow for Sophomores read moreJanuary 31: NH Scholar Applications Dueread moreAttention Seniors: The Semester Two Senior Flyer is available read moreAttention Students: 2024/2025 Program of Studies is Available!read more