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How to Cite

There are two reasons for citing your sources.

1. Give credit to authors and publishers.

2. Give credibility to your finished work.

Always write down where you found information. If it’s a website, record the URLdate the page was accessed, and as much information as you can find about the sponsoring institution or organization and author for the site. If it’s a print source, include the author’s nametitle of the workpublisher, date, and pages where information was found. This way, when you actually start writing your research paper, you’ll have all the information you need to complete your in-text citations and works cited list.

Please see or email Mrs. Smith for help: [email protected]

Works Cited Guide (MLA 9)

In-Text Citation Guide (MLA 9)

Sites with citation-building shortcuts:

Be sure to add any missing information, and check for accuracy.



Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL):

MLA Formatting and Style Guide

Should I Cite This? A visual guide from the Purdue OWL

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